Saturday 23 May 2020

May week 4

Acer palmatum dissectum "pendula"

This week I have been on leave from work for the week so its really been a chance to do some much 
needed work in my own garden. My own garden is on old fisherman's cottage in which I mainly grow herbacous perrenials, roses and cottage garden plants as well as a few more unusual trees and shrubs.

Dahlia "Bishops Children"
Catching up on the weeding has been my main task on my “bus man’s holiday” then planting up some shrubs, a Daphne bholua 'Jacqueline Postill' for it’s winter scented flowers and a Euonymus europaeus “Red Cascade” for its stunning autumn colour. I have also grown a number of Dahlia “Bishops Children” from seed which I have been preparing for going outside, some for my own garden and others for The Helmsdale Kitchen Garden. In between all these jobs I have been making sure to enjoy the garden, the Forget Me Knots (Myosotis alpestris), the Aqualegias and the Knapweed (Centaurea montana).


Anemone trullifolia
Weeding is a never ending task now we have reached this point of the year. Last year I put some horse manure down in my own garden and this year it’s a constant fight with the grass growing from the seeds brought in on it.
Despite the occasional blips in the weather it is now safe to plant your bedding plants outside.
Primulas/Polyanthus which have finished flowering can be divided now to give you even more flowers next year.
One of the highlights is Anemone trullifolia, a small perrenial that flowers over a few weeks in late spring. Grows in part shade, in fertile but well drained soil.


If growing peas now is a good chance to sow some more to provide a longer season.
Start protecting strawberry beds, now they have finished flowering they will need netting to keep out the birds, and straw if possible to deter slugs. 
Potatoes planted earlier may need earthed up now. By putting soil on the emerging shoots you encourage a bigger crop.
If growing runner beans, they can be planted outside now. At HKG because of the regular strong winds we grow all our runner beans in the polytunnel but if you have a sheltered spot it’s worth experimenting with, just make sure to give them the required support.

View of  my own garden
Even when on leave a gardeners work is never done but always make time to enjoy the season. 

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