Wednesday 6 May 2020

May week 2

View of the polytunnel
Of all the months for good weather and scenery in Scotland, I always think May is one of the best and this is certainly something that has been proved this week. In the garden we have been busy, sowing and planting with the occasional weeding for good measure.
We have been planting up the Basil, Parsley, Onions and Leeks and sowing Parsnips and carrots.
Our Courgettes seedlings are now big enough to be planted in the polytunnel beds and will soon keep us supplied with a steady stream of Courgettes throughout the summer.

Basil after planting

Flower Garden

The risk of frost still hasn’t really passed yet so do still be careful with the non hardy things (Dahlias, Summer Bedding, Pelargoniums etc.)
Keep on top of the weeding, as the soil is now warmed up weed seeds will grow and soon take over if not caught in time.
Climbing roses and other climbing plants should have some growth on them now which will need tied into supports.
With this dry spell we are having at the minute keep on top of the watering, particularly on any newly planted flowers, shrubs and trees.
One of best ground cover plant is Galium odoratum  (Sweet woodruff) which is looking stunning at this time of year, covered in its little white star flowers. It likes semi shade to shade, moist humus rich soil, but it soon spreads and keeps out the weeds.
Sweet Woodruff growing with bluebells. 


Courgettes planted
Similar to the flowers beds, keep on top of the weeds. Continue sowing and planting. We are reaching the last chance to sow a number of things, Courgettes, Squashes, Cucumbers etc. So if you haven’t done so already do so as soon as possible.
Continue sowing salad crops where ever you have space, great for filling in gaps in the beds.
And keep on top of the watering, especially during this current dry spell.

May is a beautiful month with so many different flowers on show and unusually for Scotland we have the weather to enjoy them too!
Tomato plants, Tigerella 

1 comment:

  1. Nowadays, increasingly more homeowners want to cultivate flowers everywhere over the exteriors of these houses. It's considering flowers are... Benefits organic
