Wednesday 22 April 2020

April Week 4

Peas being planted
What beautiful weather this week, non stop sun; not a sentence you get to write very often about the Highlands! But with this sun comes a drying easterly breeze so keeping on top of the watering has been the big challenge this week. Twice daily, morning and evening for all the vulnerable seedlings.

Lots of jobs done this week in the garden, Peas planted out, netting put up for the Sweet Peas, Brassicas planted and protected from frosts with fleece (Kale, Kohlrabi, broccoli etc.) grass cutting, shrub planting, weeding, the list goes on. But such perfect weather to do it in.

Flower Garden

Many flower seeds sown in seed trays may need pricked out now. This means separating the seedlings in the tray and potting them on into individual pots to let them grow on until the risk of frost has disappeared and they can be planted outside.
Dahlia tubers can be planted outside now but plant them deep enough so that the shoots wont appear until the risk of frost has gone.
Finished Spring flowering shrubs and those grown for winter stem colour can now be pruned; Forsythia, winter flowering Viburnum, dogwoods etc.
Tulips are really a highlight at this time of year. Planted in autumn and as long as you don’t keep planting them in the same area your guaranteed flowers. You need to plant new tulips every year as they rarely flower for a second year. Always plant them in large numbers as the colour impact of the flowers are lost on their own.

Tulipa praestans
Vegetable Garden
Radish "Cherry Belle"

Continue sowing seeds.
Finish planting the last of the main crop potatoes.
A lot of the hardy vegetable seedlings can now be planted outside, try and harden them off first before planting outside, either cover with fleece or put in cold-frame for week or so before planting into the ground, this would be things like the Brassicas, the Onions, Peas, Broad-beans etc.
Keep on top of the weeds in the vegetable garden, now warmer weather is here and the soil is warm the weed seeds are now sprouting in abundance.

Plenty to do in the garden and the weather to do it in. What more could your want. Just please make sure to keep on top of the watering, especially with your seedlings!

Runner Bean "Enorma" seedlings being planted


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